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Let’s Grow Together: A Conversation With Dreamer Boy

Sam Plascencia & Jenny Sorto

Dreamer Boy delivers his sophomore album, All The Ways We Are Together (ATWWAT) with the underlying messages of love, growth, and intimacy of friendships. Releasing his newest project on Earth Day, April 22, the Nashville-based musician hopes to bring people together on a day dedicated to appreciating our planet. 

We had the chance to chat with Zach Taylor, commonly known as Dreamer Boy, about how he crafted the concept around ATWWAT. Taylor tells us the title is a clear reflection of the project, “I wanted to capture the feeling of being known and loved by those around you, and pass it on.” From start to finish the album is a journey that Taylor describes as “a collage or a prism of a bunch of different feelings and sounds.”

The eclectic mix of music that Taylor listened to while creating the 16-track album served as inspiration for the artist. He mentions listening to “sweet folk stuff from the 60s and 70s,” along with Pet Sounds by Beach Boys, All Things Must Pass By George Harrison, and indie pop bands like the Japanese House and The 1975. 

We can find folk influences in the single “Don’t Be A Fool” and guitar sounds that are reminiscent of 60’s music in “All Or Nothing.” In addition, the cheerful anthem “Best Of Me” has the vibrancy of the Beach Boys. Even with all these sonic influences, the essence of Dreamer Boy which includes heavy synth and light rapping is still found at the core.

With a total of three interludes in the album, the tracks play a significant part in the storytelling that Taylor expresses. The opening song, “All The Ways We Are Together,” is an atmospheric start that transports you into the album. The middle interlude titled “All Our Dreams Came True” was said to be inspired by his first tour, “Driving through the desert and it felt like anything was possible.” Taylor shares how the last interlude, “All or Nothing” might even be his favorite on the album. 

Growth is not only one of the themes of ATWWAT but something that Taylor experienced throughout the process of creating. Since his debut LP, Love, Nostalgia, Taylor refers to how his mindset going into this album was focused on the sound more than ever. “I think as I’ve sat with this album, I am seeing it as an important one in the growth of our production as well as sonic identity.”

When it comes to the future, Taylor is already working on new music and eager to collaborate. He’s used to working mostly with his longtime collaborator Bobby Knepper and is hopeful of potential features down the line. “I am definitely opening myself up to way more collaboration… We are looking to grow and expand. Get better,” he said.

Although the album was finished before the pandemic hit, Taylor mentioned the challenge of waiting so long until its final release and everything in between. He spent a lot of time making music videos, and rediscovering new hobbies like running and painting during this time. “Everything happens in its right timing,” said Taylor.

As the rollout began for ATWWAT, an Instagram account by the same name appeared. The page run by Taylor himself is just one of the ways he connects with his fans. A Discord server as well as Zoom meetings are the reason Taylor has met around 300 of his supporters, creating a place where people can connect and be celebrated. Taylor tells us, “this just feels like an easy way to show some love to some amazing people during such weird times and beyond.”

There are even plans of growing the ATWWAT community into a non-profit that can go beyond just the album. For Taylor, the most rewarding part of his efforts has been bringing people together, “The best is when people in the community keep up with one another and it's like they became friends because of ATWWAT that shit is beautiful.”

The release of ATWWAT landing on Earth Day was a deliberate choice by Taylor. The dedication to encourage his supporters to take small steps to serve their local communities is the focus of “Earth Week” which culminated with the album’s release. In addition to his social platforms, Taylor has partnered with unique organizations to take initiative in local areas like Root Nashville and One Tree Planted. 

The future is bright and full of light for Dreamer Boy. His enthusiasm for creating a better world through his music and community is uplifting. It’s clear that All The Ways We Are Together has a longevity that surpasses its initial purpose of releasing music. Taylor reminds us of the importance of falling in love with life and the vulnerability that comes with it.

Listen to All The Ways We Are Together