In the Green Room with Vacations

Wendy Rosales

We had the honor of spending an evening in the green room with the lead singer of Vacations, Campbell Burns at the magical Fonda Theatre in Los Angeles. At the sold-out show, we discussed the memorable highlights of the Australian band’s “Return Of the Wild West” tour.

Bad Wreck: By far what has been your favorite memory on this tour?  

Campbell Burns: Probably Mexico City because that was the first time we played in Mexico. I already had initial expectations because I had heard from so many other people, in particular friends of ours, who say that it’s such a fun city to play. The crowds are very energetic, there is such a love for music there but even having that in mind it exceeded our expectations because the crowd was so fanatical and so fun, energetic, and engaging. At one point a fan threw a Doc Simi doll on stage because that’s a thing there, which is this pharmaceutical mascot and it has a doll that you can get from him. Someone threw one on stage and it was dressed like me. It had pleated pants and an overcoat and it even had my gold glasses and everything. Even a little hat! It was just really cute! I picked him up for the last song that we play, “Telephones”, and I tried to be like ventriloquism and sing together. It was very silly but very cute.

BW: Out of all the places you've been in so far what place in your opinion has had the best food?  

CB: Probably Austin but I might be biased in that sense because I have been to Austin 5 or so 6 times in the past. I know downtown pretty well. I just feel like they have a lot of really great vegan options and they have a variety of different foods from different cultures. There is a cafe near South Congress which is amazing and there is also this Japanese place downtown which is also incredible. Both places are very accommodating. 

BW: For this tour y’all set out a wild west dress code, by far what city has managed to pull off the best western outfits?

CB: I say Houston because that was my favorite show and a lot of people dressed up as cowgirls, cowboys, and cow people which was really really sweet. I really enjoyed it. It’s just always nice seeing people wearing hats and it’s just fun. Again with the whole expectations thing, we didn’t know people were actually going to dress up but to see people dress up and really take it quite seriously is really fun and also in the future it makes me want to keep a theme. Although some people had not dressed up in the theme and someone did dress up as Mario and Luigi which I didn’t get and someone showed up in a post apocalyptic world looking  gas mask which I think they just thought were costumes and misread the whole thing and didn’t come wild west theme. Someone did come dressed as a horse and a cow which was fun. That was loosely related and it makes it kind of fun to not know what to expect. 

BW: On this tour has there been a moment that bonded you closer? 

CB: I'm definitely trying to think of things in particular with a lot of detail… I think maybe at least for myself personally would have to be playing Austin City Limits because that was our first American festival and it was a great turnout and we got bumped for extra time for an hour slot. Playing during the sunset was a beautiful moment, like a nice sign of things to come and I’m glad I got to share that moment with my best friends.

BW: On this tour what’s the weirdest thing you have signed!?

CB: I can tell you for sure I have signed some weird stuff. Someone gave me their sanitary pad last night and they were like, “You gotta sign this because you will be a feminist,” and I said, “That’s a bizarre concept of feminist but I will sign it.” I’m always open to signing anything, I’ll sign a gas mask and someone’s motorcycle helmet, and I usually sign people’s shoes and phone cases. Lots of strange things. 

BW: On your days off what are your favorite things to do?

CB: Oh my god sleep. Unfortunately, we only really have travel days. So those days are mostly spent in the van and if we do have off days we catch up on sleep. We were recently in  San Diego and got to see a bit of it and we saw Little Italy and ate some really good food there. I usually do my laundry and it’s not super thrilling but it’s nice to relax. 

BW: The tour is almost over, what are you most excited to do when you get home? 

CB: I’m most excited to go back to my recording studio and do some writing. There is this cafe I usually like to go back to when I’m missing Australia in my hometown that has really great food. Seeing my friends, seeing my dog. 

BW: To conclude this interview would you like to say some final words?

I hope you're having a nice day! Listen to Abby Sage’s new EP The Florist and Jackie Hayes's new album they are both our supporters tonight and are amazing.


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