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Luna Li’s Album is a “Duality” of Feelings

Sam Plascencia

Luna Li, a Korean-Canadian multi-instrumentalist shares her debut album, Duality. The universe of Duality is rich in sound and vulnerability. Luna Li is the musical project of songwriter, composer, and producer Hannah Bussiere Kim. The artist embraces a blend of indie rock and psych that perfectly captures the light and dark her tracks bring. Featuring artists Jay Som, Dreamer Isioma, and beabadoobee, Duality is a collective creation where transparency lies. Finding a sense of belonging while learning to accept the tender moments in the world is the essence of Duality. Luna Li will embark on her first-ever headline tour, sharing the latest tracks of Duality with cities ranging from Brooklyn to Toronto, including performances at SXSW in Austin.

We asked Luna Li some questions about creating Duality. The artist gave us a look into the making of the lush project along with her accomplishments as a rising artist, and the desire to connect with her listeners. Read the interview below! 

Bad Wreck: What was the idea behind naming the album Duality?

Luna Li: My producer Braden noted one day in the studio that each song on the album didn't just have one feeling, there was always some kind of opposing force introduced in the lyrics or melody. After having that conversation with him I did a big brainstorm for the album title and came up with the word Duality. After thinking about it more, I realized the term Duality also applied to other aspects of myself, not just in the songs. It reflected my mixed Korean and Canadian heritage, as well as my background in classical music and learning how to blend that with my more pop/rock side. 

BW: Do you have any memories of collaborating with various artists on this project? (Jay Som, Dreamer Isioma, beabadoobee)

L: When adding features to this album I was super excited to breathe new life into these songs that I'd been working on for a couple of years already. I just kind of cold-called these three artists, all of whom I was already a big fan of, and was so happily surprised that they were down to collaborate! I sent them each a track and they added their parts remotely. It was the most exciting thing getting to listen to their contributions for the first time when they each sent the songs back to me. 

BW: Do you have a personal favorite space or ideal scenario to create music? Tell us anything that inspires you or gets you in that mindset.

L: My favourite place to create music is anywhere I can be truly and comfortably alone. Usually, this is just in my apartment. I like knowing that no one else can hear or see me and that I can just throw ideas into the air with only myself there to catch them. 

BW: Did you face any challenges creating vulnerable, identity-driven tracks? How did you overcome this?

L: I used to shy away from vulnerability in my music in a lot of my older writing. I used to write everything in a more obscure and poetic way, and while I was creating this album I realized that I wanted to push myself to be more vulnerable and open in my art. I came to understand that when I opened up, people could connect with me more deeply and in a more meaningful way. Vulnerability can be scary and it's definitely something I'm still working on, but it feels important to me to be able to make that kind of connection with people who listen to my music.

BW: What themes and/or emotions did you want to explore in the creation of Duality?

L: One of the main themes of Duality is finding a sense of belonging in the world and learning how to be happy with oneself. Those themes weren't necessarily the intent going into this project but it ended up that way, as I was writing a lot of these songs coming into my early twenties which was a big period of growth for me. 

BW: As an artist on the rise, do you have accomplishments you’re proud of?

L: Honestly, I'd say that the music is the thing I'm the most proud of. I really stayed true to and fought for my vision through the whole process of creating this album and I think the authenticity, genuine passion, and real attention to artistry shine through on each track. 

BW: For any new listeners, what would you tell them about your music and artistry?

L: The world of Luna Li is meant to be welcoming to everyone regardless of who they are and where they came from. I hope that people can find a sense of belonging in my music. 

BW: Three words to express how you feel about your first ever headline tour!

L: I am so excited, a bit nervous, and very grateful.

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