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Travel Back In Time With Valley’s “Like 1999”

Jenny Sorto

Canadian indie-pop band Valley takes us back to the 90’s with their new single, “Like 1999”. Following last year’s hit EP, sucks to see you doing better, Valley gives us a taste of the new music they’re working on.

What began as a TikTok during a writing session quickly turned into a viral video when the chorus of an unreleased Valley song captured the attention of fans. In just a few days the TikTok featuring part of “Like 1999” surpassed 700,000 views on the video sharing platform leading Valley to state they’d release the entire song shown in the clip if it reached one million views. When the clip quickly made it to the goal, Valley swiftly delivered on their promise. The band demonstrates the special relationship with their fans, allowing them to be part of the release of their music.

“Like 1999” creates nostalgia both through it’s acoustic-pop sound and it’s lyrics full of references to the 90’s. The upbeat guitar is reminiscent of the soundtracks from TV and movies from the past. Valley makes us feel like we’re traveling back in time when we didn’t have phones and stayed in watching “Friends” and “10 Things I Hate About You”. 

Although the tone of the track is about wishing we could go back to a simpler time, the feeling is something a lot of us are going through now. There is a comfort in reminiscing and Valley captures the spirit of that in their song. With this unexpected release, Valley has us highly anticipating what’s else there’s to come from the band this year.

Listen here!