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Policías Y Ladrones: Mexico’s Hidden Gem

Wendy Rosales & Val Manzano

Policías Y Ladrones’ are a band from Tijuana, Mexico who make music inspired by shoegaze, bedroom pop, and other similar genres. The band is made up of Alonzo (vocals/guitar), Iván (bass), Luis (drums) who met in school and decided to form a band then later added their fourth member Andres (Guitar and Keys) who they met at a show. They have performed a few shows in the states at popular music festivals like SXSW and Viva! Pomona which plays as a significant stepping stone for rising bands.

Recently the band has released their second single “Brillo” for their second album called “Nubes''. We had the opportunity to chat with Alonzo and Ivan to speak on behalf of the band. We talked to them about their latest single, their latest achievements, and some of their scariest moments they have experienced on the road. 

 Entrevista en Español Aqui

BW: During the pandemic, how have you guys been passing time?

Alonzo: For the most part we have been inside. We have been releasing songs, practicing, recording new songs which have been the ones we have been releasing lately. I have also stayed home watching different shows, doing homework and going to work.

Iván: Our drummer has COVID, so we have been taking care of ourselves more than ever now.

BW: For those who don't know, who are “Policias y Ladrones”?

Alonzo:  We are a band of friends that play indie music inspired by shoegaze, dream pop, and other genres. Our music is influenced by our experiences from day to day life.

BW: What’s the story behind your band name?

Iván: It was like a word play. We had an EP all recorded and we had to think about what we wanted to name ourselves. We liked the idea of translating songs in English into Spanish and we came across a bunch of translations and did a cross out of our favorite ones until we found the one. We liked this one the most because it was playful and it also reminds us of a game that's called “Policias y Ladrones”. This entire concept came to mind and I think it says a lot about our personalities.

BW:  Who were some of the influences that made you want to start a band? Was there somebody in specific who made you guys want to start?

Alonzo: In my case, I would say The Cure since I was small they were one of the first bands that I liked to listen to and they made me want to play music. Recently My Bloody Valentine has inspired me a lot to continue composing and to keep on going with making music.

Iván: Slowdive is a huge inspiration talking about bands!

BW: Your latest single “Brillo” is beautiful! What was the main inspiration for the track?

Alonzo: I have had this song for a few years but during the pandemic, it was when we actually finished it. The idea comes from the feeling of maintaining optimism in a not very optimistic situation in general and that’s why it’s talking about “Brillo” referencing the feeling of warmth when you go outside and feel the sun. That’s the inspiration behind the song!

BW: What can we expect from your second album “Nubes”?

Iván: 11 songs in total, 9 songs and 2 interludes. This project has been the most conceptual we have done and also the fastest record we have made. It was recorded in a lapse of two months but I think it resulted to be one of our best projects by far.

BW:  Your first album came out in 2016, do you think you have grown since then musically if so where do you think you have improved?

Alonzo: We have changed a lot, simply in the technical part you start thinking of new sounds and how to make them, you start finding new equipment to play and make music. When you’re at the studio recording you have more experiences so you make different things. In this album in particular we had more of an idea, of what we wanted and the confidence to experiment more. That’s why “Brillo” is much more experimental and in this album you can see more of that confidence and where we are thinking more deeply about our sound .

BW: You have recently been signed by Arts and Crafts, an independent music label in Mexico, how do you feel about that?

Iván: It's super cool! Right now, we are very happy! The team is awesome and we have learned a bunch of stuff like marketing and other stuff we needed to know that we overlooked when we were independent. Not a lot has changed. We still have a lot of liberty to do a lot of things that we did before which makes us really comfortable. We are pretty happy!

BW:  What are your new year's resolutions?

Iván: That we don't get COVID!

Alonzo: That we don't get COVID and I want to learn how to cook delicious things. As a band we hope to release our album, which we currently don’t have a date for because we want to release it near a date that could actually go and tour it.

BW: What’s a city/state that y’all have yet to perform at that you would like to go to? 

Iván: Chicago and Guadalajara.

Alonzo: I agree with Iván. Chicago and Guadalajara!  We have gone a lot to Monterrey, Mexico City, Los Angeles, and Tijuana but those are places that we really want to play.

BW:  What's something you wish someone told you when you were starting a band?

Iván: Tips on how to rest when on tour. We learned to sleep on the floors, not sleep at all and travel in the early morning.

Alonzo: To be careful with the logistics of time when it comes to tours. We end up very tired and in very dangerous situations like driving late and taking late flights.

BW: You talk about how it is sometimes dangerous. What has been a dangerous situation where you thought “oh why did we go through that, that was very dangerous”?

Iván: When we went to SXSW, we went from Monterrey to Austin, Texas driving and the time changed about three times. That same day we played we barely made it and got there 30 mins before actually playing in Austin. This was because we had to be stopped by immigration a few times and when we were crossing and we were like driving through a swamp and out of nowhere google maps said “Welcome to the United States”.

Alonso:  Returning back is when it actually got scary.

Iván:  So basically we were stopped by a narco checkpoint, and they stopped to ask us if we were like rockstars and they checked all of our stuff then they said “cuidense de los malos que estaban adelante” (which means that we take care of the bad guys that are ahead) I think we were near Juárez or Tamaulipas.  

BW: When things return to normal, what’s the first thing you all wish to do?

Iván: To touch people and hug people.

Alonzo: I miss playing. Last January was the last time we played so it’s nearing a year already.  A lot of the songs we rehearsed and recorded this year we have never played in front of people and a lot of months have passed so I know that I want to play but I don’t know if I want to play the same old songs since a lot of time has passed..  

BW:  When you're making a song what is usually your process?

Alonzo:  Normally I have basic ideas, some cords, some words or the structure of a song. We usually practice it a few times, we see what works and what doesn’t. The process is to revise, practice, and revise again so we can see what we can change. We go and think about what influences we have and what is the vibe of the song.

BW: You have yet to collaborate with someone. Who is an artist/band you would like to work with?

Alonzo: Bad Bunny?

Iván: With a friend from here in Mexico, maybe with Sonic Emerson who is a friend named Sebastian and is in the same record label. But anything can happen, with anyone who wants to work with us.

BW: What is a long term goal that the band wants to accomplish? 

Alonzo: The goal is always for as many people to listen to us, but I think that for the long term we’d like to maintain the way we have things organized. We’ve reached a good balance of where everyone deals with something specific. Iván is in charge of graphics and visuals, Andrés of video and when we are playing he takes care of technical issues. I make the songs. I think that everyone has a pair of activities that they like to do. 

Iván:  We want to maintain this tiny enterprise.  

Alonzo:  And maintain our friendship. 

BW: What is some advice you would give to those just starting a band or wanting to start one?

Iván:   I would say to just go for it, I think taking your time is something very valuable. Think about what you want to accomplish because a lot of the time this thing of just wanting to release a song just to release it isn't going to work. The things that take their time come out the best and that they should take their time until it feels perfect to the person. 

Alonzo:  My advice would be to think of the songs as things that have to be maintained by themselves. Try to make songs that if you play it in the simplest way like with an acoustic guitar or just a keyboard, the song stays strong and tells you something and then make it sound the way you would like with the sounds and textures. Try to focus on the song itself first.

BW: What lessons do you take from your musical career?

Alonzo:   There are many ways of doing things and there is no correct way, and communities are built around making music, shows, and making art and those are very valuable. Being close to people who collaborate artistically is very positive and the community around the shows and bands is something very strong and very good.

BW: If music isn't an option, what’s something else you would be doing right now? 

Iván:  I always ask myself that question because I feel like my life revolves around it. I don't know because it’s an escape to be playing with these guys and I don't know where I would be if I wasn’t a “rockstar”, I definitely think I would be a “buchón” ah!

Alonzo: Would you dedicate yourself to wholesale? Haha!

Iván:  Or maybe continue with more illustrations and visual art. What about you Alonso? 

Alonzo:  In high school I wanted to be a writer and in that case, I would continue to try to be a writer. I don’t know if I would have been good though!

BW:  To conclude the interview, what's something you would like to say to your fans and those who haven't heard of you yet?

Alonzo:  Thank you to all the people who listen to us and stream “Brillo” which is our new single and everything else we have recently put out! 

Iván:  For those who haven’t heard of us, we hope you give us a listen and if you like us cool and if you don't, that's cool too. 

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